
    4chan Spoiler Text: How To Black Text On 4Chan?

    Are you a 4chan spoiler text enthusiast eager to add a dash of mystery to your posts? You’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of using spoiler tags to create black text on 4chan.

    The Power of Black Text on 4Chan

    Before we jump into the “how,” let’s first understand the “what” and “why” of black text on 4chan. Black text, concealed by spoiler tags, piques curiosity and prompts interaction. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

    1. Intrigue and Engagement

    spoiler 4chan text adds an element of intrigue, encouraging readers to uncover hidden messages, and elevating engagement levels within the community.

    2. Teasing and Curiosity

    Utilize 4chan spoiler text, and tags to drop hints, tease, or spark curiosity, keeping your audience engaged and guessing.

    How to Utilize Black Text on 4Chan

    Now that we’ve emphasized the importance, let’s delve into the steps to effectively use spoiler 4chan text for black text:

    • 1. Board Selection

    Head to the 4chan website and choose a board of interest by clicking on it.

    • 2. Post Reply

    Select a post to reply to, and click the “Reply” button next to it.

    • 3. Fill in Details

    Enter your name, e-mail, and subject in the respective fields.

    4. Opening the Spoiler Tag

    Type “

    [spoiler]” to initiate the
    spoiler tag in the comments section.

    5. Insert Black Text

    Add the text you want to display in black
    font on a black background.

    6. Closing the Spoiler Tag

    Conclude the spoiler tag by typing


    • 7. Submit Your Post

    Finally, click “Submit” to share your post with the community.

    How to Black Text on 4Chan

    How to Black Text on 4Chan

    1. Use backslash before the letters:

    • To black out text on 4Chan, use a backslash (\) before each letter.
    • For example, to black out the word “hello”, you would type \hello.
    • This will make the text appear as follows: \hello

    2. Use multiple backslashes for thicker black text:

    • To make the black text thicker, use multiple backslashes before each letter.
    • For example, to make the word “hello” appear thicker, you would type \\\hello.
    • This will make the text appear as follows: \\\hello

    3. Use underscores to black out multiple lines of text:

    • To black out multiple lines of text, use underscores (_) before each line.
    • For example, to black out the following two lines of text:

      This is the first line.

    This is the second line.

    You would type the following:

    _This is the first line._

    _This is the second line._

    This will make the text appear as follows:

    This is the first line.

    This is the second line.

    4. Use multiple underscores for thicker black text:

    • To make the black text thicker, use multiple underscores before each line.
    • For example, to make the two lines of text appear thicker, you would type the following:

    __This is the first line.__

    __This is the second line.__

    This will make the text appear as follows:

    This is the first line.

    This is the second line.

    5. Use triple backticks to black out code:

    • To black out code on 4Chan, use triple backticks (““) before and after the code.
    • For example, to black out the following code:

    # This is a comment

    You would type the following:

    `# This is a comment`

    This will make the code appear as follows:

    # This is a comment

    6. Use CSS to black out text on 4Chan:

    • You can also use CSS to black out text on 4Chan.
    • To do this, create a new CSS file and add the following code:

    .black-text {

      color: black;


    Then, in your 4Chan post, use the following HTML code to apply the CSS to your text:

    This is black text.

    <span class=”black-text”>This is black text.</span>

    This will make the text appear as follows:

    This is black text.

    Best Practices for Effective Use

    To make the most out of black text, adhere to these best practices:

    • Be Playful, Not Offensive

    Use black text to play and engage while respecting community guidelines, and avoiding offensive content.

    • Stimulate Interaction

    Create puzzles or quizzes with black text, enticing users to actively participate and interact.

    • Use Sparingly

    Maintain readability by not overusing black text, ensuring it complements your content rather than overpowering it.


    These are just a few ways to black out text on 4chan spoiler text. You can use the methods above to black out individual words, multiple lines of text, code, or even entire posts. With a little creativity, you can use black text to add emphasis or create a sense of mystery to your posts.

    Also Read: How To Spoiler An Image On Discord Mobile

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